New Project: The Head Rig!
So this week I have continued to work on my Major Project but slightly veered off from animation onto rigging again. I felt that my centaur rig was OK but overall there was room for improvement and the sheer amount I learnt whilst doing it would vastly improve my abilities at rigging next time I tried.
With that in mind I decided to rig a human head (something I never really got to do with the centaur) and this is the progress I have made so far:
Essentially I have placed the bones in areas where I believe they will be most beneficial creating them for the eyes, upper and lower jaw as well as the neck and head pivots. In the next few days I hope to weight the bones to the mesh and then begin to place a basic set of controllers. After that the interesting (and difficult) stuff begins like working with blendshapes for the eyes, cheeks and forehead.