Sweatbox Submission

by - 09:31

I am now almost half way through major project and on course to graduate uni in less than 4 months! (scary thought). As such, we had a 'sweatbox' meeting where very student compiles their work together and presents to the class for feedback, checking on progress and generally having a nosey at what everyone is making. So I rendered out the couple animations I've done and compiled them together here.

They are still are quite rough and there is plenty of work still to be done but generally I'm happy so far and the general consensus is I am doing OK. I've fallen behind a week or so but strongly believe I can make that time back up over Easter no problem. Currently I am working on finishing a rough animation of the Fae attack and Bark Basher walk backwards and the hope is these will be done before our Easter break so they are ready to be chucked into the engine for testing.

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