Companies that inspire me #1 - The Creative Assembly

by - 11:42

The video games industry is full of creative and innovative teams that are passionate about their products but a few stand out more than some as companies I would like to be a part of.

One of these is the Creative Assembly established in 1987 in West Sussex they rose to fame with their original title Shogun: Total War, a historical war game still considered to be a milestone within the strategy game genre. In recent years they have continued their Total War series and have made big leaps in animation and motion-capture including recently the creation of their own motion-capture suite within their studio.

This dedication to innovation with animation and performance as well as their continued development of high quality products have made them one of the UK's oldest and most established development houses for video games to date. For these reasons, I would consider them one of the key studios I wish to be a part of in my career and would love to have the chance of playing a part in the future of the Total War series of video games.

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